Olde English Babydoll Southdown Sheep
Old English "babydoll" Southdown sheep. Although the breed is known by many names, Old English Babydoll southdowns, smiling sheep, teddy bear sheep, or simply Babydoll Sheep, their smiling face will win your heart.
This breed can be traced back to the early 1800's in the United States. Trace them further and you will uncover a heritage breed from the south down hills of Sussex County England in the early 1700's. The decline in later years was due to a desire for a larger sheep. The American southdowns are larger and mainly used as a meat breed, their wool is somewhat shorter. The "babydoll" Southdowns are a smaller versatile breed derived from the original Old English Southdowns, with a soft loving personality.
Babydolls are perfect for that small farm or homestead. Their amazing wool for those who spin, runs 19–22-micron range. It also can be mixed with other wools. Uses around the farm are helping control weeds and fertilizing your land. We find these little sheep do not eat our mature trees but choose to stick to the weeds. Their size makes for a perfect 4-H project for those young farmers. They also have an excellent table value with a taste beyond compare.
We started our flock of babydoll southdowns in 2018 and strive to reach and maintain the breed standard. Our flock is currently NABSSAR, BSSBA International and BSRA registered.
Height should be around 18 - 24 inches. Any less than 18" should be discouraged. Please check with the registries of your choice for a detailed description on their regulations. NABSSAR allows for Off White and Black colors to be registered. BSRA and BSSBA allow for Off White, Black and Spotted to be registered.
Please feel free to contact or visit us and take a look at these sweet sheep.
Our Rams

Top of the town downs 1905
LT livestock King James
D.O.B.- 2019 NABSSAR, Off white, RR
Harley was Champion Ram In Nebraska 2019 as a lamb. He has a sweet temperament we hope to pass along to his future lambs. FOR SALE can go with an unrelated proven ewe and lamb if available. SOLD
D.O.B. 2020 NABSSAR, BSRA Off White, RR
James is one of the kids favorites. He has a face to fall in love with. Excellent confirmation.
D.O.B. 2021 BSSBA, BSRA, Black
Marley as we call him is from Apple Fox farm. I love that teddy bear face. He also has that soft laid back temperament

Apple Fox Farm Atticus
D.O.B 2/28/2023 off white, RR. The boys had a blast showing this guy. His temperament and confirmation make him a great fit. BSRA reg.
Atticus is our new addition to the farm. He has an amazing temperament and beautiful fleece. We can not wait to see his lovely babies.
Our Ewes

2019 NABSSAR off white, twin
Isla has given her lambs that wonderful smile and great confirmation.
Miss Priss AKA Missy
DOB 2019, Black Twin RR
she is double registered.
Missy has the teddy bear face that always smiles.
2019 NABSSAR Black twin
Isla has given us twins. She has given her lambs her friendly disposition.

2020 BSRA Black, RR, twin

![Screenshot_20210907-102922[66]winter ginger (2).png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2f8ef8_19702997b9284e1ba174a0bbc3d67022~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_6,w_720,h_597/fill/w_246,h_204,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Screenshot_20210907-102922%5B66%5Dwinter%20ginger%20(2).png)
2020 OEBSS off white, RR, twin
2017 Off white RR
Ginger blessed us with triplets

Harper EWE
DOB 03/29/2024
spot carrier

Trace Ram
DOB 03/22/2024
spot carrier

Funny Face aka Marlow
DOB 03/22/2024
spot carrier

DOB 03/25
Off white ewe
This Girl is one of my favorites. She is out of LR Livestock Bray and CC. She has class that is beyond most ewes. Ask to see other photos of her. You won't be sorry.

DOB 3/1/24
Off white ewe
Double reg.
This sassy girl is out of James and Isla. She is a stout little ewe with personality, great wool and confirmation to boot.
IL7666-2412 Ariana
Dob 03/20/24
Black spot carrier , Triplet
QR 700.00
SOLD pending pick up
This sweet girl is out of Ida and Marlowe.
She has amazing wool and is as stocky as her mum. She will make a great addition to anyone wanting to add some color in their flock.

Look at these two handsome fellas! Either one would be the ultimate pasture prince, stealing the hearts of all the ewes. Their sire is Apple fox Farm Marlowe. DOB 6/2024 Waiting Codon results.
These two lovely fellows are being offered by Atkins Farm. SOLD